Illuminated Prosperity
The divine prism of abundance for eternal wealth creation.
Through the quantum field into the light we find a portal for heightened manifestation.
It's bright, it's brilliant and holds a source of energy that lights up your creations.

Here's the truth:
"Prosperity is a creation. You are the creator."
- Vanya Silverten
Join us for a powerful 4 hour intensive

This program has to be an intensive. There has to be a focus, a sacred intention to let go of the physical world as we know it and go BEYOND.
We have to move beyond our conditioning, our karma, the contracts, the disappointments, the regrets, resentments, jealousy - all the density that contracts us in lower frequencies. It is there we get lost. It is there our visions seem to big. It is there we cannot hold the energetics of creation for long enough. It is there the potential of the quantum manifests as limited, lack and loss. We have to let go of the physical world as we know it and go BEYOND.
BEYOND where there is an illumination of energy that is free from the constraints of your ego, your desires, your muffled intentions and your feared outcomes. This illuminated energy is a fuel, a source, a pure well of creation, the field of brilliant potentiality.
We fold and fold your consciousness until you and the quantum field become one.

Embrace the Brilliance of Creation
In this intensive we get to contact ILLUMINATED PROSPERITY embrace it, communicate with it, know it, become it and let it activate our consciousness and our DNA.
We get to apply it to the quantum field of limitless possibilities. We use it to untangle ourselves from contracted poverty timelines and we apply to advance the resonance of prosperous manifestation in present time.
We birth ILLUMINATED PROSPERITY into our lives....and this is how we return home to source.

Life changing teachings:
Thank you for bringing these teachings to the world Vanya, they are my most favourite in the entire world and have made such a profound and possitive impact on my life! - Gabriella Award

The Knowing:
"I feel like everything in my life is converging to this point, so I know that I’m definitely meant to be here." Isobel

A powerful 4 hour intensive
How can this benefit your existence..
Understand the energetics of the quantum field - Explore what it is, how you are connected to it. How to access & influence it. How it creates multiple timelines, entanglements and outcomes.
Explore your relationship to manifestation - Unlock from past disappointments, outdated manifestations techniques and expand into the field of pure potentiality.
Beyond Contractions - Explore the multiple ways that you contract your frequency into the density & unhook from the greatest repeating soul wound - abandonment.
Pure Potentiality- Receive the transmission that activates your cells, your DNA, your consciousness so you can expand and become one with the illuminated field of pure potentiality.
The Illuminated Molecules of Creation - Get in contact with the illuminated states that allow us to go beyond 'wanting' and trust the manifestations that can divinely incarnate in your life.
Energetic Match - Learn to become an energetic match for your brilliant creations both in the illuminated field of potentiality and the real physical world. This is when we begin to create heaven in our lives and heaven in reality.
Return to Source - The ultimate quest is to become one with all that is - this is the truest alignment of prosperity and they ultimate key to your creation powers.
Choose Your Path
Meet your Guide
Vanya Silverten
Vanya Silverten has been a professional intuitive healer and spiritual teacher for over decade. She had generated multiple millions from her career in the wellbeing industry and has worked with thousands of people to create more wealth, health and love in their lives.
Vanya believes that life is a pure creation. No matter where you come from, no matter the challenges, you are are the conscious creator of your reality. In her work she brings the tools and the transmissions to help you make a prosperous life easily. Her greatest joy is to help you achieve Embodied Soul Brilliance through her year long ECLIPSE Experience.