Those that lead with
divine truth empower the world

ECLIPSE Beacon gives you the sacred path of leadership and entrepreneurship.
Learn to communicate and become one with the brilliant path of your dharma and powerfully translate it into a prosperous business.
Unlock the depths of your soul power and upgrade your being so you can be led by it. Discover how your gifts, talents, wisdoms and visions unite to form your unique path forward and how they can be turned into offerings that raise reality and earn your wealth.
One technique to access your prosperous dharma.
The ECLIPSE Beacon combines 3 essential skills to make you an outstanding coach, healer, teacher, facilitator, leader, speaker, creator and conscious citizen alchemised. After all, the ECLIPSE experience is designed to awaken you as a revolutionary force to not only master your own life but the lives of many others.
- Leadership: uses the qualities such as vision, communication, decision-making, empathy, and the ability to motivate and empower others. It is not limited to a specific role but can be expressed at various levels within an organisation, business or community.
- Dharma: Knowing one's purpose in life, aligning actions with values, and contributing positively to the greater good. The divinely inspired duties are fulfilled based on one's unique nature, talents, and the context of their life.
- Entrepreneurship: The process of creating, developing, and managing a business venture with the aim of achieving financial success and sustainability. A dynamic journey of opportunity and adaptability.
Dharma, leadership, and entrepreneurship work synergistically together, creating a powerful framework for individuals who aim to lead with purpose, align their actions with higher principles, and drive innovation and success in their entrepreneurial ventures.
This a sacred path of you standing strong in the centre of divinity and leading your dharma to create limitless prosperity.
The ECLIPSE Beacon is potent, powerful and influential because they are able to lead with their truth...
The ECLIPSE Beacon is:
A conscious creator, entrepreneur and business leader
Shines brilliant lights of wisdom to raise others
Self generates confidence, power, and prosperity
Claims space and lights up the room with presence
Has absolute power over money and belief in self
Takes instinctual action to create positive change
Falls forward into their brilliance and leans back on developed trust in the universe
Accesses deep innate codes to shine brighter in the world
Stand tall in your ability to lead yourself, others and your team with brilliant courage and clear communication.

Here's the reality:
When you know your truth you are no longer inferior instead you gain a power that needs no validation.
The strength is given to laser the brightest path forward.
An ECLIPSE Beacon becomes their brilliance.

Complete your power path & position yourself as a brilliant leader.
Claim your space in a room, online, in the classroom or in front of an audience. Let go of inferiority and the need for validation and learn to lean forward into the brilliance of dharmic path. Create a field of limitless possibilities for your tribe to grow in.
E: Entrepreneurship
C: Commitment & Communication
L: Legacy of Light
I: Instincts, Insights & Intuition
P: Prosperity, Power & Purpose
S: Self-Leadership, Self -Respect, Self-Confidence
E: Energised Execution
ECLIPSE Beacon is all about completing your power and giving you all the codes teachings and transmissions needed to become a brilliant leader in all areas of your life.
"Having this space of awareness has helped me examine my previous achievements, path of truth in full consciousness and has inspired me to fully elevate, update & upgrade my next phase. I’m emerged in the process like never before."
Rachel Samuel
The Benefits:
This exclusive leadership course is designed to unlock the depths of your sacred soul power.
- Sacred Soul Power: Unlock a well of untapped potential. Free the gifts that set you apart, discover your unique cosmology, and ignite your X factor.
- Dharma Discovery: Be guided through a profound exploration of soul identity, divine purpose and aligned actions. This is the ultimate life mastery.
- Business Mastery: Create the containers for your sacred leadership to flourish. Explore the business options that resonate with your soul's purpose & fulfilment.
- Prosperity Blueprint: Learn the energetics of recalibrating your life to prosperity - a never ending journey into divine wealth. Become fulfilled and successful in love, life and business.
Take these skills so you can mentor yourself to your next levels. Then become the mentor and take others to their next level.

A 2 month intensive journey that transcends the ordinary and unlocks the extraordinary within you.
High Level Training
Expect the best teachings, transmissions, codes & activations in the world to make you excellent.
Weekly Support
Be supported nurtured, encouraged and helped each week through Q & A, practice sessions, group meetings, recordings & more.
Private Community
We attract super high vibe conscious beings so you can play, swap, exchange and master skills with.
Two Year Access
We want you to become the best! Includes an extra year of ECLIPSE Beacon so you can master your abilities.
Not a choice, but a path
Not an occupation, but the blueprint of your SOUL
Awaken your entire being and receive:
The gift of leadership - a position that goes beyond the frontier of evolution.
Our special system weaves the following curriculum to ensure you brilliance is realised.

Curriculum I
The cosmology of your leadership
Learn to incarnate heaven into reality through your unique gifts, teachings and creations. You have the most exquisite transmission to give to your life and this world. Align to your unique star co-ordinates and create a map of who you are, why you are here and what you need to deliver.
Curriculum II
Dharma driven Leadership
Leaders who embrace their dharma lead with a deeper sense of purpose and authenticity. Unlock the brightest force inside and propel yourself forward with clarity aligned actions. Embody your sacred powers and learn to create a field of brilliance to raise reality.

Curriculum III
Exponential Recalibration to your Next Levels
Discover an energetic technique that helps you to exponentially recalibrate to your next level. A real time ascension journey that can be applied to yourself, your clients, your students and your audience. Transformation, elevation, life and emotional mastery are key movements to activate success. ECLIPSE Beacon is designed to make you dynamic so you can move mountains.
Curriculum IV
Activating the Sacred Gateway
Leadership is about influencing and impacting. In this journey we ensure you are first influenced by the highest divine truth, then you learn to lead your legacy of light until it creates a brilliant dynasty of your life's work. Step into a sacred gateway that grows you and your field into the light exponetially.

Curriculum V
The Dimensions of Business
The path of prosperity asks that we deliver the truth into physical products/creations to earn our wealth and shape reality in new ways. Get the BBB kit that gives you the blueprints of how to create retreats, workshops, books, cards, stage, webinars, brands and more. This will act as both a stimulus and trigger to both motivate and highlight where you still need to improve your leadership skills.
Curriculum VI
The Navigators
Discover the six navigators that become the north stars for the beacon to access the direction of leadership: Birth, Boundary, Brilliance, Business, Buyer & Beyond. Use these gateways to keep moving your next levels.

Plus instant access bonus
The Creator Vault
Enjoy potent masterclasses to ensure you awaken your creation powers. Includes: Legacy of Light, Sacred Sales, High Visions, The Anatomy of Abundance, 10K Months, Embracing Wealth, Soul Purpose, Visionary, Magnetism, Choice Point, Quantum Leap, Dharma & Destiny, Power & Boundaries, Choice Point and more.
YES! I AM IN!LIVE Dates for 2024/2025 programme
INCARNATION PILLAR Nov 21st - Dec 12th
Weekly Every Tuesday 7pm and Thursday 12pm GMT
PLUS Weekend Workshops
23rd November & 14th December 1st 10am - 1pm GMT
4 week break for Christmas break and integration
MANIFESTATION Pillar Jan 16th - Feb 13th
Weekly Every Tuesday 7pm and Thursday 12pm GMT
PLUS Weekend Workshops
Jan 18th and Feb 1st 10am - 1pm GMT
This is where:
Your entire body becomes a divine instrument to transmits healing and transformative energy for mass awakening.
This training uses ECLIPSE Energetics™
E - Embodied Soul Brilliance
C - Clear Channel for Conscious Creation
L - Legacy of Light, Love & Leadership
I - Initiations, Intuition & Incarnation
P - Prosperous Purpose & Dharmic Path
S - Sensual Enlightenment
E - Energetics for Life Mastery

Meet your teacher
Hi, I'm Vanya
I have been working in the wellness industry as a mentor, coach, and facilitator for over two decades. During that time my dedication to our advancement and well being has generated multiple millions.
I take decades of successful experience growth and I condense it into ECLIPSE Beacon. After all we are here to fast track reality and embody our soul's brillance.
OK magazine has described my work as 'cathartic' and 'uplifting'.
Join me and us on this incredible adventure!!

First time it makes sense
"I took other business courses and could never apply it, didn’t want to! This is the first time that a business course actually makes sense to me." GABRIELA AWAD

I reinvented myself
"I have been successful for years as a coach and then my work got flat. I needed an injection of some new magic to quantum leap to the next level. Vanya yes!!! You gave it!! I now have a new brand, exquisite offerings and my income has skyrocketed! But most importantly I like myself more." STEVIE
Pillar One INCARNATION : 21 November to 12 December
Pillar Two MANIFESTATION: 16 January to 13 February