Your energy is the most expensive currency.
Join us to....
Stand out, speak out, be visible and shine unapologetically.
The power of presence is all about standing out, impacting, influencing and holding your vibration like a star to awaken reality.
With more and more people wanting to claim their place and position as an expert, it is ever more important to find your unique frequency and gift it in a way that magnetises and captivates. The power of presence is ultimately about you mastering leadership.
In this modern world leadership isn’t just about what you know - its about how you show up.

First you lead yourself to your brilliant presence.
Then you take the power of your presence and apply it to lead others to their brilliance.
In this master course we unlock the secrets to commanding position, inspiring attention, speaking up, leading others to their greatness, and becoming the centre of attention in the most graceful way.
Whether you are teaching a workshop, showing up on social media, presenting to investors, negotiating a crucial deal, leading a team or communicating with a loved one - your presence becomes the power and first frequency force that shapes reality.
Learn to cultivate a commanding presence that leaves a lasting impression and become the magic that blaze the path for your destiny to follow.
Don’t just speak- inspire
Don’t just lead - transform
Don’t just stand - radiate
Having presence is the ultimate mastery of embodying your soul’s brilliance so that you can consciously create life to support your prosperity.
Become your brilliance and the universe will reflect your magnificence.
Learn to embody more of your soul’s energy to create energetic presence
Reshape your sense of self so you can hold yourself with more conviction, charisma, and confidence
Unlock your fear of being visible, judgement and anywhere you are collapsing into unworthiness/shyness/fear/failure
Explore how your unique frequency impacts reality and leads life to awaken in new ways
Get comfortable with your greatness
Learn to command attention, inspire trust, convey authority and empathy effectively.
Activate the universe to hold you energetically so you can shine more
Reposition yourself, your words, your presence as the star of your reality
And so much more
The day is filled with activations, transmissions, awakenings that quantum leap you to new levels of self. Expect exponentially growth to support your life mastery.
Ready to shine unapologetically?
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Meet your teacher
Hi, I'm Vanya
Vanya Silverten has been a professional intuitive healer and spiritual teacher for over decade. She has given psychic readings and healings to over 20,000 people from over 80 countries. Has taught over 240 workshops in 8 different countries, has spoken to large audiences both online and live, been featured in many magazines and has written bestselling books. Being heart and body centred in presence has been essentially to my success.
I look forward to passing the teachings on in this powerful workshop.

Are you ready to
Become your brilliance and the universe will reflect your magnificence.